Question: When and how does our spirit (conscience) choose to accept suffering without fear or judgement to become born again, led by the spirit of adoption as a child of God (cf. Romans 8:14-27, & John 3:1-8)?
Our hope is in Jesus and not ourselves. “For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast”: For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
It means to “Trust” in the Saving Work of Jesus The Christ of Almighty God, Who took on human form to Save humankind, to all who will “see” and respond to His “Death, Resurrection, and ultimate Return to Earth” to end the terrible evil of mankind Propagated by Satan”!
The beginning of this world's evil scheme was allowed by God the Father when He was challenged by His own “most beautiful created being” Lucifer (Morning Star); whose name was changed to Satan (Adversary), and within the “rules of engagement” the battle began.
Many people say, so as to excuse their own refusal to accept God’s Love in the above described, that a “God of Love” would never allow such suffering and horror as is evident in this world’s present state!
That response is understandable initially, but when the ULTIMATE Love of God is seen and perceived in the pages of the Bible, starting at (Gen. 3:15) and in the experience of the Holy Spirit via the “Comforter”, which can be a short time or a lengthy period, depending on the person and the Plan of God for the individual; then the Glory of God’s Love for mankind in the Sacrifice of Christ Jesus our Lord, become all-consuming, towards the eventual one to One union with the Lord Jesus!
I urge you to take that step, and or investigate the depth of the above statements!
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